Our Prague tours are designed to focus on the incredible history of alchemy, prophecy and magic that infuses the Golden City - home of Baba Studio for 15 years and inspiration for The Tarot of Prague and The Bohemian Gothic Tarot decks.

They aim to bring together a tribe of like-minded people (ourselves included) from all over the world and show them the places we find magical through our eyes.

We’ve been getting quite a lot of enquiries about forthcoming tours and our original intention was to hold another tour of Prague in 2021. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has meant that these plans had to be postponed.

We look forward to being able to welcome people back to Prague but at the moment, we are unsure when that will be possible.

For now, we will continue to monitor the ongoing situation with Covid-19 closely and once we have established that it is completely safe to do so, we will announce tour dates and open bookings. We can’t wait!

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